
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pillows For Patients

Yesterday i slept over at my cousin shiloh's house, two of my other cousins were there Israel, and Kaiah. We were making like these tie pillows and i thought it would be cool if we started some type or organization. So me and my three cousins came up with somthihng called "Pillows for Patients". We are going to make pillows and blankets out of fleece and then sell them and donate the money to a childrens hospital. We are also going to make pillows and blankets and bring them to the hospital. We are going to save up some money, then go and buy some fleece and some stuffing for the pillows. We are then going to make and sell the pillows. Im super exited about the whole thing:)

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  1. AH!! Me too! It's gonna be AWESOME! Can't wait to see all the money you three raise. :)
