
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mommmayy! :)

Happy Birthday To my AMAZING mother! :)

Yes i know yesterday was just my Brothers birthday but...We have two birthdays in a row in our house! :)

Its amazing to take a day and be thankful for one special person in your life. I have had two in a row for that. But today i relized how amazing Moms really are! Washing your clothes, making dinner every night, cleaning up after...US, and Just being there for us whenever we need it! Iam so thankfull for her!

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  1. Happy birthday to Jenna's mom! =D

  2. I know! I don't know where I would be without seriously. Ohmiword. ^_^

    So DONT forget to ask your mom about getting together! *grins* :-)

    Love you!!
